Robots in the era of Industry 4.0 will be more integrated with 3D printing

With the rapid development of 3D technology, the explosion of technology may bring more convenience. Robots and 3D printing technology will be the most cutting-edge combination in the high-tech era, and the two may lead the field of technology.

Today, robots continue to receive orders for laser rapid prototyping equipment on the interactive platform with the accumulation of technologies and projects in the field of laser 3D printing. In this non-public offering, the company regards high-end equipment and 3D printing as one of the fundraising projects and will invest in more R&D personnel and equipment support in the future to further consolidate the company’s leading edge in this field.

3D Printing and Industry 4.0
3D Printing and Industry 4.0

It is used for industrial robot projects, special robot projects, high-end equipment, 3D printing projects, digital factory projects, and supplementary liquidity.

The main business of robots is the design, manufacture, and sales of industrial robots, complete sets of logistics and warehousing automation equipment, automated assembly and testing production lines and system integration, and transportation automation systems.

The development of robots has begun to affect people’s life and work. At present, we have entered a new era. For human beings, the emergence of robots can not only reduce expensive labor and engage in more dangerous activities but also affect human emotional life in multiple forms.

The comprehensive thinking ability of robots can be shown in many ways. For example, Xiaodu Robot can listen to people’s questions and answer them. What is behind it is the understanding of language and the mastery of knowledge, thus forming “deep question answering technology”. The Xiaodu robot not only has the ability of language interaction but also can recognize sounds and images. This is “multi-channel, multi-round dialogue intelligent interaction”.

However, with the rapid development of 3D technology, the explosion of technology may bring more convenience. Robots and 3D printing technology will be the most cutting-edge combination in the high-tech era, and the two may lead the field of technology.

the high-end equipment industry is gradually emerging

With the advent of the era of Industry 4.0 intelligent manufacturing, one of the main directions of the development of the advanced equipment manufacturing industry is to develop the intelligent manufacturing industry. In the wave of transformation and upgrading of the manufacturing industry, a group of “rookies” of enterprises engaged in the research and development, and production of robots have emerged.

The new potential energy of Juan continues to be released, and 3D printing, which is an iconic technology in the high-end machinery and equipment manufacturing industry, is gradually taking root and forming a certain technical force.

In 5 years, strive to advance to the top 20 high-tech zones in the country, and increase the contribution rate to the economy to 40%. In this context, in recent years, there has been a boom in the development of “smart equipment”, and the enthusiasm of internal and external resources has been stimulated to build “smart factories”, develop “smart products”, expand “smart services”, and promote the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries. , to achieve a high degree of agglomeration and development of the high-end equipment industry.

It is reported that the institute has set up a CNC technology innovation service center, a 3D printing innovation service center, and a robot application innovation center. The research institute actively introduces high-end entrepreneurial teams. 11 projects have entered the Collaborative Innovation Research Institute and registered companies to carry out business, gathering cutting-edge technologies such as mobile equipment, numerical control systems, and 3D printing. The integration of robots and 3D printing will promote the industry to move to a higher-end and sophisticated field.

Today, intelligent manufacturing has swept the world, and the development of robots and the continuous innovation of 3D technology play an important role. It can be said that robots and 3D technology are the most advanced technologies in the field of science and technology. The integration of the two will reorganize the field of science and technology and promote the development of the industrial economy. In addition, the establishment of the Science and Technology Research Institute provides talent and technical support for intelligent manufacturing research. The speed of technological development in the future will exceed our, and reduce costs.

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