Help our customers analyze the advantages of 3D printed auto parts

Shanghai Yunyan is a leading 3D printing comprehensive solution provider, always focusing on manufacturing, education, scientific research, military, and other fields. All these parts are made of different shapes and materials – produced by different manufacturing methods. Which of these 30,000 parts can be produced with 3D printing? We’ll give you a brief overview of how to use 3D printing right now, and why it’s a widely accepted method of manufacturing. Then, we’ll explain to you the benefits of 3D printing auto parts and frames, and which parts can be 3D printed. Then, you’ll find some examples of 3D printing auto parts produced by major auto companies.

Shanghai Yunyan 3D printed auto parts

Over the next few years, as the cars being built the change, the methods used to produce them will continue to change. More and more vehicles now use battery systems to improve fuel efficiency by reducing reliance on gasoline engines. 3D printers and other manufacturing processes must change to accommodate the latest technology. We are ready to take on the task of delivering new manufacturing methods. The overall benefits include weight reduction, reduced material loss, the ability to create custom 3D printed auto parts, easy replacement of spare parts, and a good return on investment, so it is logical to use 3D printing for auto parts. Do you need to know about some great car design software?

Examples of 3D printed car parts

Below you can find some examples of 3D printed car parts from major car manufacturers.

3d printing vehicle parts
3d printing vehicle parts

Advantages of 3D Printing Auto Parts

Listed below are the main benefits of using 3D printers to produce auto parts. Overall benefits include reduced weight, reduced material loss, the ability to create custom 3D printed automotive parts, easy replacement of spare parts, good ROI, and time savings in production.


3D printing enables parts to be lighter in weight compared to manufacturing using traditional manufacturing processes. If the car is lighter, it will consume less fuel, making it more environmentally friendly and more economical. Major car companies have done a complete redesign and reinforcement of their A-pillar window mounts. Now it is 74% lighter than the original part. With the realization of 3D files, it is possible to manufacture lighter structures.

Reduce material loss

3D printing uses only the amount of material needed to make the car part, no excess material is wasted. Excess material is always used for different projects. With subtractive manufacturing, you lose material, making it a less sustainable and less expensive manufacturing method.

Create custom car parts

Car enthusiasts want to build unique cars, and through 3D printing, unique additional design features can be achieved. In the examples of 3D printed car parts found below, you can find real BMW car parts 3D printed mass customization projects.

Easy replacement of spare parts

Some auto parts are manufactured in such a way that they need to be easily remanufactured in case the part is damaged by damage such as a crash. Otherwise, it’s hard to find replacements, especially for older models. However, by combining 3D scanning, 3D modeling, and additive manufacturing, it is possible to produce rare (spare) parts for cars.

What parts can 3D printing produce?

An integrated

Unibody is actually the backbone of the car. This spine absorbs any thrust and bumps the car experience. The post-crash repair aspect needs to be considered as an important factor when producing unibody bodies. The complex manufacturing method of one piece is difficult to replicate at your local auto repair shop. Therefore, additive manufacturing is an ideal production method because of its accessibility and ability to replace damaged parts.

Body panel

The most important factors to consider when producing an automotive body panel are cost, weight, compensation, and ease of use for the type of manufacture. Body panels are the most vulnerable to any bumps and scratches. Therefore, it needs to be made of an easy-to-manufactured material to eliminate bulges. In most cases, this will be steel as it handles speed bumps, etc. well Body panels are prone to damage, so additive manufacturing is an excellent 3D printing solution that can be replaced quickly and also has the ability to metal print these panels.


Dashboards, dashboards, dials, switches, air conditioning vents, door handles, floor mats, seat belts, airbags, and similar items are almost always made of different types of plastic. Plastic is used because it is lightweight. Additive manufacturing uses many types of durable plastics and even enables custom options through its easily adjustable 3D printing technology.

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